The Covid Chronicles

The Covid Chronicles

In late 2019 / early 2020, a new contagion called Covid-19 emerged and spread all over the world. This was countered by lockdowns and new ‘vaccines’ which eliminated the threat. Or at least that’s what the majority of people believe…

But there were those who saw through the lies and called out what many have named The Scamdemic. Ordinary people who did not believe what the government and media were telling them and trusted their own research and gut instincts instead.

Here’s their story…

The Yorkshire Lady

I am writing this article so that future generations have the opportunity to see that their parents and grandparents did try to take a stand against the medical and political tyranny that began in 2020. 

Of course, this tyranny did not come out of the blue but had been planned and in the pipeline for decades. As a theologian, I have spent the last fifteen years studying the New World Order and in particular the destructive activities of the Papacy and the Vatican. 

I also want to document my actions during this time in the hope that when the next scamdemic comes along, the ways in which I personally resisted might give others some ideas of approaches to take. Or not to take. I didn’t always get it right. 

It would seem that Tedros and the World Health Organization now classify just about anything as a ‘health emergency’ and this includes so called ‘climate change’ and may well be used to justify another so called pandemic and further lockdowns in the future. Although the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty has not been signed this year, I believe that it will go ahead next year. 

When the lockdowns first came in Spring 2020, I knew from the beginning that it was a scamdemic and not a pandemic. As most people will remember, we had the most beautiful weather during this time. I made it my business to go out as much as possible to see what was going on. I was determined not to wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, to social distance or to stay shut up in my house. 

I noticed that 5G towers were going up everywhere, particularly in the centre of my town, near schools and along the coastal roads. I realized that they were being constructed at night because I never saw any of them going up during the daytime. Just this in itself made me realize that something was very wrong. I wrote in my diary that it seemed as if ‘the whole world was being dismantled.’ 

It took me a while to understand just how evil the agenda was for this New Normal and the Great Reset and to understand that we were fundamentally in a spiritual war and about to enter the fight of our lives. It was with terrible sadness that I realized that my local churches were in on the act and were now merging their Christian beliefs with the agenda of the Government. I crossed swords with two local vicars, horrible experiences which I will never forget. 

Once I did understand the horror of what was taking place, in particular the worldwide deliberate depopulation programme, I was determined to resist in every possible way. Firstly I went for long walks along the promenade, sometimes alone and sometimes with a trusted friend. 

During these walks, I chatted with as many people as possible to see if they had fallen for the scam. Many people had reached the conclusion that something was wrong but were unable to connect the dots. At every opportunity, I tried to sew a few seeds to help them along. Often there were police cars driving along the promenade, cameras everywhere and a feeling of being under surveillance the whole time. 

I noticed that many ambulances were driving down my road with their sirens blaring. I followed them to the promenade where they parked, the occupants often had a picnic and took photos of one another as if they were on holiday. On one occasion I approached the ambulance staff while they were still in the van and asked them what they were doing. They ignored me and drove off. It was difficult to question the medical services because they had all become heroes overnight. 

I could not believe that my neighbours were happy to stand outside their houses at 8 pm on a Thursday night, clapping for the NHS. I went out into the street and shouted: ‘Stop, you must stop, it’s a scam! ‘ My pleas were ignored. 

I also tried to talk to people while I was travelling by bus or waiting at the bus station. As the weeks and months went by I could see that people were becoming increasingly confused and even frightened. Often they were aggressive towards me. I learnt the hard way that I needed to try a much softer approach. I was also finding it hard to deal with my own anger and to fathom why it wasn’t as easy to wake people up as I thought it would be. 

I became exhausted trying to explain things to people, and it wasn’t until I received some leaflets (please see Tim’s video ‘Water off a Duck’s Back’) that I started to make some progress. 

To be continued in Article 2…

Malvern Man


In 2020 the world went mad. Everybody experienced something. Everybody has a story to tell. Some people lived in bliss, enjoying the experience, sitting off in their back garden and getting paid for doing so. Paid for doing nothing. They could watch as much TV as they wanted, and drink as much wine as they could stomach. Others felt they were now living in a nightmare, a never-ending nightmare of oppression and being crushed in a vice-like grip of evil. I was in the latter category. It was horrible. And yet it became the best thing and most positive thing that ever happened to me: I found true freedom.

The following is my journey through the scam-demic. Not everybody’s going to like what they read from what I have to tell, but it is a true account of what happened to me. We all have our own story to tell from the scam-demic. This is mine.

At the very beginning, I knew something wasn’t right. It felt queer, odd, weird, call it what you want. I knew that what the government and the mainstream media was saying was nonsense. They were lying. Sometime later, a good friend I would meet through the scam-demic, a chap called Marty, answered my question of how some people could see what was going on while others couldn’t see. He said, we had discernment. Strange how people from different backgrounds, different parts of the country, indeed different parts of the world, with different life experiences and skills and different beliefs, had this discernment, while others closer to them and from the same background didn’t. Discernment was a mystery. As was the contradiction of the scam-demic. On one hand, I’d never felt fear like it. On the other hand, I’d never felt so fearless. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me, and yet the best thing that ever happened to me. It was like living in Paradox city. The true powers that be gaslit the world.

Unlike so many others I would meet along the way, whose marriages and relationships broke down because of the scam-demic, I was lucky because my wife had discernment too. If anything, our bond got stronger. No vice like grip and pressure would break it. However, for several months into 2020, I thought me, and my wife were the only normal people left in the UK. Of course, there were millions of other people like us, we just hadn’t met them yet. Apart from having just my wife fully onboard, I felt alone. Really alone. I was climbing the walls. I couldn’t believe people were falling for the lies of the scam-demic. I couldn’t understand how they couldn’t see what was going on.

Family and friends changed. People I’d known all my life were now people I never knew. People I never knew, would become like family and friends. The world was upside down. It was an ever-changing nightmare. But there was one thing for sure: whatever was written in people’s hearts was revealed to them and to the world. There is no getting away from that. There were those who performed in masque, and those who stayed true to themselves and didn’t dance to the tune of the scam-demic. Everyone got a glimpse of who they truly were. It was a revelation. A revealing of truth. How ever you responded in the scam-demic was at the very core of who you were deep down inside. We all revealed our true nature.

Initially, apart from the support of my wife, I think it was the feeling of this dark loneliness and upside-down perversion of reality that made me finally turn to the true light of the world – Jesus. My slow conversion to faith, built me up and gave me strength, and light. I become a believer. Something I once never had any interest in would become the only thing that made any sense. Faith and religion are two different things. When you understand that, you start to begin a one-to-one relationship with the Creator. It is the best thing that can happen to you. It will save your soul.

From the beginning of 2020, I nailed my colours to the mast. From the very start, I told everyone who had ears that it was all a scam. I never wore a face-nappy, I never did a PCR/LFT test, I defied the lockdowns, I went on seventeen demos throughout the land, I handed out the Light newspaper, flyers, plastered walls with stickers, done several yellow board events, and certainly never took the jib-jab. I played my part. I did what I could in the scam-demic, which was a war of attrition of the mind and the soul. Even now, some days I still have a feeling of shell shock and ask myself, “Did that really happen?” “Did people really react the way they did. People I knew. Friends, family, neighbours?”

The sad truth is, yes, they did. But we need to learn to live to forgive. That’s what my faith tells me to do. That doesn’t mean we have to forget. We can’t forget, but we can forgive. People made choices that affected us. They lost the plot – big time. We didn’t. We knew what was going on. We had discernment. We were the good guys, the real heroes of the scam-demic. We will never get a medal for the part we played in the scam-demic, and probably won’t get a true reckoning either. We certainly won’t have people standing on their doorstep giving us a one-minute round of applause. But we must take the positives of what we got from the scam-demic. As well as finding and connecting with some great people that I never knew before the scam-demic, and seeing how the real world is controlled, the biggest thing for me was finding true freedom in Jesus Christ. By grace alone, I was saved.

As for the victims of the scam-demic, people talk about the jib-jab injured, or the ones hypnotised and fooled by the bullshit. I think the real victims of the scam-demic are the people who had discernment to know that it was all a load of nonsense from the beginning. The ones who were persecuted and outcast by family, friends and society. They were the real victims. We were the victims. Sometimes victims need time to heal. Let the healing begin.

It's because of my faith, the faith found because of the scam-demic, that I can move on with my life and forgive the unforgivable. They will face their day of judgement. God will see to that. He promises us so. We can’t continue to hate those who didn’t have discernment, the foolish, the brainwashed, the hypnotised, because all we are doing is crucifying ourselves over and over again. We need to let the wounds heal. It’s time to find some faith and let the healing begin.



PS Whoever you where, who stood shoulder to shoulder with me during the scam-demic, thank you, I will never forget you and that’s why I’ve written these words.


(John 8:32) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.



When the world went to pot in 2020, when family, friends and everybody else lost their minds and were hypnotized by the lies coming from the mainstream media. I thought me and my wife Sarah were the only two sane people left in the UK. Then I met a diverse bunch of people who thought the same as us, and I realized we weren’t alone. We put our heads above the parapet and marched together against the lockdowns, the vaccine passports, the vaccine mandates, the lunacy of mask wearing, the lot. At that time the world was a very dark place.

It was like evil had revealed itself and it was never going to go away. I realized time was short, life was precious, and I began to believe that there must be a higher power. There had to be a higher power because the globalism of evil clutching the world was too intense. There must be a positive to this negative. I thought there must be more to life than this. That higher power was Jesus Christ. Since that time that I found faith, embraced it, and encouraged it to grow inside of me, and marched steadfast, I don’t believe life can ever get that dark again. Finding faith in Jesus has given me direction and hope for my future and mankind’s future. Jesus truly is the light of the world.

If you are still living in fear of the evil in the world, still living in darkness, you need to get light in your life. Jesus is the light; Jesus is the way.


(John 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Tim Bazley - Fair Play Now

June 11th 2021 - A Week Of Youtube Highs And Lows 

I have a channel on Youtube called ‘Fair Play Now’ which is having a wild ride right now.

On the morning of 29th May 2021 I had around 220 Youtube subscribers.

Then the YT algorithm seemed to go crazy and must have offered my content to thousands of likeminded souls because in less than 2 weeks, the subscriber count rocketed up to just shy of 1600 people.

At one point I was getting 150 new subs a day and some of my videos have had thousands of views, some in the tens of thousands.

One video has had over 1100 comments.

Heady stuff when I’ve been used to a couple new subscribers a week, 30 to 40 views and a couple of comments!

If you are one of my new (or not so new) subscribers, welcome!

Despite me going on about the numbers above, you are not just a number or a ‘sub’ to me, but a living breathing person who has made a conscious decision to ‘like’ my videos, to comment and to subscribe to my channel.

I don’t take that lightly and will do all I can to offer my continued support and encouragement in these difficult times.

I’d be lying though if I said I haven’t been watching the growing numbers with excitement, mainly because I now know there are many who think like us, after so many lonely months of feeling like an outcast.

After days of feeling high, it all came crashing down back to earth this morning when I woke to find myself with my first Youtube ‘strike’ along with a 1 week ban from posting any videos.

I was gutted, not least because I know there are people out there who have come to need my daily videos for support and also because making and posting these videos has been very therapeutic for me too.

I didn’t even think the video that got the strike was all that controversial, although to be fair, the previous few videos were pushing the envelope as they say.

Maybe these strikes are a cumulative thing where they just take down the last video in a series of ones Youtube consider ‘dodgy’.

Who knows…that’s censorship for you. At least I know first hand it’s really happening and for pretty much no reason at all.

Well what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger as they say.

I set up a Rumble account today, Rumble are a Youtube alternative that’s censorship free apparently, I certainly hope so.

My handle there is FairPlayNowUK but I’ll be putting all my videos there onto this site on my special Rumble page…

The banned video is there, it’s the first one.

Have a watch and see if you can tell why the hell Youtube gave it a strike, because I can’t.

It was just trying to offer people with our kind of mindset a little encouragement and help.

But I guess helping people is verboten in this brave new world we seem to be in now.

Anyway, I have used this as a kick up the backside to set up an alternative channel, create a new page on my site and shortly I will be setting up an email newsletter.

I’ll be sending out weekly or maybe twice weekly emails to you with updates and content that won’t be going into my videos.

If you’re interested in having this email newsletter, please go to the Home Page of this site, scroll to the bottom and fill in the contact form there.

Next week I’ll be back on Youtube and elsewhere stronger than ever!

May 31st 2021 - London Freedom March On May 29th 

So after two days, I’ve finally come down from the high of the Freedom March that happened in London on the 29th May 2021. The numbers of those who attended was amazing and was well into the hundreds of thousands!

What an amazing crowd of people, the positive energy and love could be felt everywhere.

Once again (it was the same on 24th April and 15th May), the mainstream media failed to do any meaningful or accurate reporting on the event. They either don’t report on it at all, or if they do, it’s very negatively.

What normally happens is there’s a scuffle between the attendees and police which is reported as ‘violent’ protesters attacking the police.

Don’t believe a word of it. The actual tactics are this...

The police go in aggressively and provoke the demonstrators. When some of them inevitably react, people are on hand to film it all in such a way that makes it look like the protesters are the ones being violent and attacking the police.

That gives the mainstream media some suitable footage to use to paint the ‘right propaganda message’.

Well I was there and I can report that the overwhelming majority of people on the march are concerned citizens making a stand against government tyranny and erosion of freedoms.

It’s done in peace, love and an abundance of positive energy.

Take a look at the video section on this site ('My Youtube Channel'). I have three videos that show the reality of what happened in London on the 29th May 2021.

You’ll see thousands of ordinary people of all ages, races, genders, religions, nationalities and sexualities all marching together in peace, happiness and love.

But don’t take my word for it, watch the videos and see for yourself.

28th May 2021 - The GreatER Reset

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Great Reset, you know, the evil thing being proposed by the WEF and our illustrious future king, our current PM and many other similar idiots worldwide.

But have you heard of The GreatER Reset?

This is the good one and it’s all about beginning to create an alternative economy, an alternative community and an alternative future.

And this week has seen what they call their Worldwide Activation Event.

Teaching actionable and real solutions and antidotes to the Great Reset, ranging from growing your own food to alternative technologies. Their aim is to educate yourself into how to separate yourself from current society and create a new and better one.

Personally I’m pretty stoked about what these guys are saying and you can find out all about them at:

I’m sure they’ll be uploading replays of this weeks event on that site shortly and I’m sure you’ll love it.

28th May 2021 - London Anti Lockdown Protest Tomorrow

It’s a funny thing. Up until April 24th 2021, I’d never been on any kind of protest march.

It just wasn’t my thing and even though I’ve always respected people’s right to protest, I always thought of protesters as, well I guess trouble makers really if I’m honest.

But tomorrow will see me on my third protest in just 5 weeks. I went to the London 24th April event, the one on 15th May and tomorrow, 29th May, I’ll be there in London again.

Ordinarily you may by now be asking the question “so what’s changed?” But I’m sure you don’t need to on this occasion.

Like you, I’m deeply concerned with the erosion of our freedoms in the name of virus safety. I’m sick of the lockdowns (just today I read that Glasgow is to remain in tier 3 lockdown despite all the promises to end covid restrictions in June!)

I’m also sick of the masks, the fear mongering and the threat of vaccine passports.

On the 24th April I decided to break the habit of a lifetime and go on a protest march and wow, what an amazing experience. It was so uplifting to see so many likeminded souls and I’m sure tomorrow will be even bigger.

I’m looking forward to meeting fellow people with the same concerns whilst making my voice heard.

Hope to see you there!

26th May 2021 - Vaccine Refuseniks

These Covid-19 times can be a real emotional rollercoaster ride can’t they?

 One minute you’re feeling good after watching a video online and the next you’re down in the dumps again thanks to (normally) a mainstream media article.

This happened to me today. I watched the latest Zoom video from Rachel Elnaugh (you can even join in and talk on them! Just go on her website: and fill in the form halfway down her home page).

Rachel was the origonal lady on Dragons Den many years ago and has since joined the truther movement, offering her support with fortnightly Zoom calls that anyone can be a part of.

I’ve found them to be very uplifting and supportive so you may want to check her out.

So after having my emotional state increased by her, I then began doing a little research on the current hate campaign against those refusing the ‘jab’.

Seems like they’re really upping the ante on this, with everyone from the mainstream press, to ‘celebs’ to MP’s and cabinet ministers calling us highly irresponsible ‘loonies’ who are going to ruin it for everyone.

Well I say it’s them who are the irresponsible ones and what they are doing is disgusting. From wanting us to become second class citizens to refusing us NHS treatment, entry into shops, public transport and entertainment venues, the hate just goes on and on.

For a society that’s gone ridiculously ‘woke’ where you can’t criticise anyone even slightly for fear of being done for hate crime, this is very ironic.

What these people are saying and proposing is starting to look like what happened in Nazi Germany. Demonizing a group of people for their beliefs and coming out with so much hateful propaganda is the first steps down a very dark road.

I can’t believe it’s happening in 21st century so called free and democratic Britain and it’s something that has to be nipped in the bud quickly before this gets out of hand in a very bad way.

Vaccine Refuseniks is the latest term for anti vaxxers, taken from the Soviet era, it’s what the anti-communist activists were called during the Cold War, so the term is actually a GOOD thing.

The evil people pushing this narrative are so f@cked up that they can’t even see that the original Refuseniks from Soviet Russia were good people fighting for freedom, but then again, aren’t these types all about inversion?

Apparently certain MP’s are calling for the government not to go back on the 21st June ending of restrictions just to protect us Refuseniks.

Although these MP’s have no sympathy for us, I agree with them.

We don’t need protection.

Personally I’ve been taking my chances with Covid for 15 months now and I’m happy to carry on doing that without ‘protection’ and without the vaccine. 

If you’ve been vaccinated, you’ve nothing to fear from me.

And if you do fear us, then you can’t have much faith in your vaccines, which just makes our side of the argument even stronger.

What’s the point of taking something that might not even work?

Until that question is answered and until the problem of ever growing vaccine adverse reactions is addressed, I'm happy to be a Refusenik.

I think I'll be a Refusenik for a long time.

25th May 2021 - This Tyranny Will NOT End Until We Stand Up And Say Enough Is Enough

I was sent the following today by a friend I met on the 24th April London march, written by a Debbie Cragg. Don't know if that's their full name but they've pretty much nailed it here. Read on and share...

So as thousands of us have predicted & right on cue, shortly before todays slight easing of restrictions, Boris began sowing the seeds of yet another u turn.

We will now see a gradual retreat from the promised full return to normality on 21st June, dangerous variants & selfish irresponsible "anti vaxers" are of course to blame.

As the pantomine plays out i would now expect Kier Starmer to soon demand the easing of restrictions be scrapped & stricter measures imposed.

Boris will go through the motions of pretending to resist for a week or so before finally and reluctantly giving in.

In the mean time we are to see surge testing on the streets of Blackburn & Bolton, along with surge vaccination campaigns.

Surge testing will once again lead to huge numbers of false positive results, which just like last year will be used to justify local lockdowns & a return to the tier system.

Now Sage admit that the mean false positive rate of the pcr test is about 2.3% of all conducted tests.

So far we have conducted over 89 million pcr tests, which would mean we have had over 2 million false positive results to date.

Considering the UK has officially had 4.4 million covid cases to date this false positive number is huge, & yet there is never any correction for it. Why could that be i wonder ?

As for surge vaccination, the latest "variant of concern" is apparently Indian. Well india was doing just fine until the beginning of its mass vacination campaign as any related graph will prove.

I said in my last post that this isnt going to end unless we make it, & it wont because as i have said thousands of times this is nothing to do with our health.

Once again .. they have absolutely no intention of allowing life to return to normal, hence the term "new normal" was used from the start.

It is also important to realise that none of this is accidental and none of it is in response to anything, the whole thing has been planned from the start.

Sage consists primarily of pyscologists, modellers and experts in behavioural manipulation, whos true intention is to gradually break down all resistance to the changes they wish to make.

This is achieved by applying restrictions, waiting as long as possible before relaxing them a little, and then turning the screw once again.

Each time going a little further, each time removing a few more freedoms & rights, slowly boiling the frog, they know exactly what they are doing.

This time they have deliberately delayed relaxing all restrictions until virtually the end of June, the hieght of summer.

Leaving them with just a few short summer months to sabotage, before winter respiratory illnesses begin to peak again, usually following the flu vaccination campaigns.

Johnson has already warned that next winter "could" be even worse, & according to him lockdowns not vaccines are the reason for declining cases, so another winter lockdown is a certain as night following day.

Now, we were told repeatedly that this was all to save lives & to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed, right ?

So why when most vulnerable people have now been fully vaccinated do we currently have more travel restrictions in place than this time last year, when there were no vaccines ? Anyone ?

Quite simply because they do not want anyone going anywhere, potential holidays along with the looming vaccination passports were simply the stick & carrot used to increase vaccination uptake.

As said above the justification for the latest stalling, delays, & planned retreats is the supposed threat from variants, this time the Indian variant.

Well Mike Yeadon has repeatedly claimed that no variant deviates from the original viral sequence by more than 0.3 %.

This he states is nowhere near enough to render a vaccine ineffective, assuming the vaccine worked to begin with.

Obviously if this is true then there is no need for any top up jabs & there is no reason not to end all restrictions right now.

So why the insistence on regular top up injections ?

At best it is profit driven at worst it is very sinister, remember the top ups are to recieve no safety testing whatsover, & the pharmaceutical companies will once again have complete indemnity.

On the other hand if you accept the governments version of events, that variants can defeat these vaccines, then you are accepting that this will never end.

Why ? Because obviously following that line of thinking there is no way they could predict & develop vaccines for every possible mutation, before the mutation occurs.

We would constantly be playing catch up, locked down time & again until we recieve the latest jab, which is exactly how they want us to be.

The virus is nothing but a pretext, an excuse used to justify the imposition of many long planned and far reaching changes to our society & way of life.

We are seeing the many agendas of a cabal of globalist billionaire banksters, with strong eugenics beliefs, being imposed around the world by their puppet governments.

Using falsified data and statistics produced by organisations that they own, fund or control, which is incessantly broadcast, alongside non stop fear based propaganda, by a corrupt msm which once again they own, fund or control.

We are primarily seeing the imposition of agenda 21 now repackaged as the WEFs great reset, & as anyone who has studied it in detail will tell you it is not big on travel.

Well not for the masses at least, the elite of course will be free to travel as they wish.

Uk column on wednesday featured the queens speech, which once again parrots the WEFs latest catch phrase "build back better"

Honestly they aren't all in it together, a 94 year old lady has just happened to come up with the same slogan as schwab, biden, johnson & the rest of the globalist puppets, including her son. 🙄

Anyway Uk column then featured a report delivered to parliament by the climate change committee in July 2019, the report was produced for the committee by Gates funded Imperial college.

The report showed that the government was badly behind on its legally binding climate targets, having implemented only 1 of 25 policies related to net zero carbon emissions.

The report then went on to claim that the only way to get emissions targets back on track would be to introduce huge behavioural changes to the UK.

Enter covid & huge behavioural changes in the UK.

Gates funded Imperial college, coincidentally of course, also happened to produce the widely innaccurate computer models used to justify the first lockdown.

Also coincidentally, Patrick Vallance the governments chief scientic advisor for covid has recently just happened to be appointed chief scientific advisor for COP26, the 2021 climate change conference.

Cimate change will be soon be used alongside covid to justify yet more restrictictions, il say it again, vaccine or no vaccine you wont be going anywhere for much longer, certainly not if Johnsons puppet masters have their way.

So how much more are people going to put up with ? Heads in the sand, dutifully masked & virtue signalling, while lives & livelihoods are being destroyed.

Waiting outside shops for the traffic lights to change, before following ridiculous one way systems once inside.

Waiting for permission from the state as to who you can meet, when, & where, being grateful for permission finally to hug your own relatives.

Playing along with this charade & treating perfectly healthy people as if they are sick, despite asymptomatic transmission being debunked and shown to be a myth.

Accepting face coverings as a condition of entry & flawed covid tests as a condition of medical treatment.

Women are even being pressured to wear face coverings when giving birth despite being perfectly healthy, the whole thing is an obscene charade and none of it would be happening if we all refused to accept it.

It is important to look past covid & look at the bigger picture, look at what is really going on here.

Businesses & independant livelihoods are being deliberately destroyed by the day as mega corporations flourish.

Last friday another conspiracy came true with the announcement that Wales is to trial a universal basic income for all.

Soon to be conditional of course, conditional on total, & unquestioning obedience & compliance.

Look at the future scenario from the WEF, which claims you will soon own nothing and be happy.

Just a scenario ? Yes so was lockstep, so was event 201.

Look into the police courts crime and sentencing bill which will effectively make protesting illegal amongst other things.

Look at the online harms bill, which like political correctness, is aimed in truth at destroying free speech, and will lead to almost unimaginable levels of censorship.

Look at the covert services intelligence bill which will legalise state sanctioned crime including torture, rape & even murder.

Look at the next simulated pandemic, spars 25 perfectly timed for when the covid agenda finally runs its course.

Look at how the elites puppets and corporations are coming together to push these experimental gene therapy vaccines.

From the globalists most senile old puppet joe bidens recent tweet, saying the choice is simple take the jab or stay masked forever.

A tweet more in line with a dictator like Stalin than the leader of the supposedly free world.

To mcdonalds advertising the vaccine on the side of the french fries packets.

To social media platforms like facebook literally commanding "when its your turn get the jab"

Look at what is happening !!

These are not conspiracy theories they are facts, dont take my word for it look them up.

These things are happening right now, and if they are not stopped they are soon going to hit anyone whos head is still in the sand like a freight train.

Il finish by quoting James Corbett, who summed it up well recently when he said the following ..

"At this point in 2021, if you do not understand the scope, the gravity, of what is happening right now, as governments are locking people down in their own homes and basically saying, until you take experimental medical interventions as human lab rats, we will not let you travel from point A to point B, if you do not understand how serious the situation is, I have no sympathy for you at this point" 


Sums things up perfectly don't you think? It expresses how I've been feeling for months and how us 'truthers' are feeling right now about current events. This piece was obviously written on the 17th May when the restrictions eased a bit so a few days old but the basic thoughts remain the same.

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